Contact Us

Please note: If your inquiry relates to an existing loan, please contact your lender directly.

Got a question?

Drop us a message and we’d love to help you with your online application.

[email protected]

Do you have a complaint about past lending?

Payday UK was a brand previously used by Instant Cash Loans Limited, which has now ceased trading following a Scheme of Arrangement. Read about it here.

Need to speak to someone?

Please make sure you’ve completed an online application first as we can’t advise on your chances of being approved for a loan.

Please note: we DO NOT process any loan applications over the phone.

Customer Services: 0800 302 9409

Postal address

Payday Loans Limited, The Charter Building, Charter Place, Uxbridge, UB8 1JG.

Technical issues

If you have any technical issues using this website, please email [email protected].


Please see the complaints page for full contact details or email [email protected]